The New Woody Allen
Man this shit is like the new Woody Allen. But of flash..and better. In fact, this makes Woody Allen look like a wooden donkey compared to a drinking fountain. You heard me buddy. I went there. This is the best fucking shit i've seen. It made me want to fucking crap my fucking pants up. In fact i think i did. Who knows. Best movie ever. This new Woody Allen should be nominated for President. Then we would have New Allen World.....Not just a continent. But a whole new way of thinking. Allen World...Where wooden donkeys decide the fate of all mankind. I could almost get off to this radical new style of shit. It makes all that fucking mario sprite shit on this site look like the shit it is..Shit...Donky shit. Dung Dung Dung. Ahhh i think my fucking head is going to explode. Does anyone think that xibit the rapper might be gay. He certainly acts the part. And his excessive ass raping doesn't help him out of his predicament. And what about little bow wow? Didn't he get raped? How did he pull that one off..Doesn't he still try to pull the hard-core gangster thing off? He sucks..Some guy spluged in his ass...He's no gangster.